Comet 73P Schwassmann Wachmann 3 5/1/2006

This is fragment C which seems to be the only fragment that is not breaking up.  With this exposure I have tried something new.  I built a platform for my G11 so that I could mount two refractors.  Using an el cheapo hobby store refractor (Celestron Power Seeker 60mm) and my old ST-7 I am able to guide on the comet head while the Orion 80ED images the comet via the ST-2000XCM.  24 sub frames of 5 minutes each were averaged. 

Location:Gastonia, NC
Optics:Orion 80mm ED, 600mm f/7.5
Exposure:24 x 5 min
Camera:SBIG ST-7E
Mount:Losmandy G11