IC 2177 - Eagle/Gum Nebula

Also sometimes referred to as the Seagull Nebula. Taken at WSP 2009 under very windy (and cloudy) conditions. This image was a collaboration between Steve Davis and Frank Barrett. Steve provided the scope and color data via his Canon DSLR. Frank provided the luminance via the SBIG STL-11000M. Both contributed to the image processing. The luminance frame can be seen here.

Note: This image was selected Astronomy Picture of the Day, March 27, 2009

Location:West Summerland Key, FL
Optics:Megrez 80 at 480mm f/5.6
Exposure:L: 6 x 15 min; RGB: 40 x 5 min
Camera:SBIG STL-11000M; Canon Rebel XT
Mount:Losmandy G11